Monday, April 6, 2009

New Rules!

Parents and Athletes,
It pains me to admit this, but our boys have had too much stuff stolen from their bags. At practice, and at meets the boys have had things like iPods and cell phones taken. As much as I hope that the boys are not stealing from each other, I feel that the theft has gotten to the point where I need to start taking measures to ensure this stops!

Hence, a few new rules (hopefully this is all):
-from now on everyone will be leaving practice together. That means we leave after everyone has changed and is ready to go. Anyone who needs to leave early will have to speak with one of the coaches just before leaving.

-the same thing will apply to swim meets, both at Poly or away. So plan on staying for the entire meet from now on.

I apologize before hand for the headache and inconvenience this is going to cause, but since there is little that the coaches can do after something is stolen, I feel that preventing theft is one of the best things we can do.

As parents I hope you understand, much thought and discussion was put into this decision.
As high school boys, I know the boys don't understand at all, but I'm not worried about that.

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